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Friday, May 25, 2007

Are We Feeling Global Warming?

I remember big heaps of snow living till May and cool weather and breeze till June. All that has changed now. Of course the change has been slow, but comparing the position about 30 years back and now, I really feel and see the difference.

Well, I think most of the people with ages more than 30 years will confirm what I say.

What has contributed to the warmth in weather. The known factors are more burning of fuel, emission of toxic, economic development efforts, richer life style, increase in global population, increased pollution and the like.

We are now facing warmer temperatures, less trees, less greenery, more pollution, changes in life styles etc. Despite all these factors, people do not seem to be concerned much.

How much is global warming a matter of concern? Can we live with it? How much will it affect our way of life.

With global warming, it is expected that there will be more melting of snow and this may cause floods in some parts of the world. Some areas may completely merge under water. With increasing melting of glaciers, sea water level is expected to increase and people living close to those areas may be in danger.

On the other hand, there are certain areas which will see a decrease in water table because of increased deforestation. This occurs because of the desirability of economic development. Trees are cut in order to provide fuel for economic growth. This is especially true in case of the developing countries.

Increased cutting of trees means less retention of water and less rains. So the countries with this scenario will face shortage of essential water over time and less and less fresh air. Paucity of water may lead to scarcity of drinking water and water for irrigation purposes. This may affect agricultural and industrial production in some areas.

Because of increased stress on growth, there will be continuing burning of fuel, release of smoke, spread of pollution etc., besides the removal of trees. Though this way some countries may experience increased incomes, but overall there is an increasing danger of reduction in the quality of life.

Many personalities like Al Gore are seized of the matter. Concerted efforts are being made to contain the effects of global warming. In order that the efforts aimed at global warming succeed, it is important that all the countries pool their knowledge, technologies and resources together to reduce the threat of global warming on human lives.

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